Job 43

This project included pipe bursting of 3200 lf of existing 8” Ductile Iron Pipe Line, the removal of the existing fire hydrants and the installation of: 3200 lf of fusible C900 pipe, eight fire hydrants, branch lines and isolation valves. The fire hydrants were located on the taxi way of the air force base. Special care had to be taken during the bursting process due to the fact that the government did not have accurate as-builts for the existing fuel line or any other utilities in the area. Additionally, the project specifications required SWS to protect the federally protected wetlands, grasslands and vernal pools with in the project site. These protected areas contain numerous rare and endangered plant and animal species. Special attention was required to ensure the nest sites in the grassland habitat were protected during the construction phase of the project.


Date Completed: 2016-08-02
City: Fairfield
State: ca
Work Type/s:
PSC Code/s:
Govt Type:
Award Amount: $815,815
Contracting Set Aside: