Job 97

The project consisted of erosion repair to access roads and structure pads at 6 sites along a 25 mile transmission line. The work included road grading, stabilization treatments, construction of gabion basket retaining wall structures, stream channel excavation, placement of riprap and restoration of areas disturbed by construction activities. The project required performing work in an environmentally sensitive area with limited access from the public thoroughfare. Due to Fish and Wildlife protected endangered species requirements for the Desert Tortoise, Burrowing Owls, Mole Rats and other migratory birds, SWS developed a very restrictive work schedule and constantly monitor the habitat and the movement of the wildlife.


Date Completed: 2016-12-22
City: Mendota
State: ca
Work Type/s:
PSC Code/s: --
Govt Type:
Award Amount: $338,173
Contracting Set Aside: