Job 111
This project consisted of emergency sewer lateral capping to avoid contaminants from entering the city’s water supply. This was due to the devastating Carr Fire that burned over 229,000 acres of land and over 1000 homes in Shasta County, California. Utility markings were in place and performed by a third-party Ground Penetrating Radar utility locating firm prior to any excavation work. Site Work Solutions utilized data from the City of Redding, which consisted of sewer inspection videos to narrow down the location of laterals at each property. During the Carr Fire, approximately 326 homes connected to the City of Redding wastewater collection system were destroyed. Due to the items burned in the residential fires, each of sites was considered a hazardous material site and each of the open sewer laterals at the destroyed properties are a point of entry for debris and contaminates. Site Work Solutions was contracted to perform emergency protective measures to ensure that hazardous debris and contaminated do not enter the City’s wastewater system. Site Work Solutions located each sewer line, excavated, capped off pipes and marked the location and depth of the capped lateral with a length of PVC pipe which was marked “Capped Sewer, Depth xx Below Grade” until rebuilding occurs. By eliminating the open connections, the lots can then be cleaned, and the rebuilding process can begin.