Job 90

This task order includes road linear grading and maintenance and rehabilitation work on roads, campgrounds, and trailhead parking areas on the Boulder Ranger District. The task order will work through a priority list and work will proceed as far as time and materials allow. Work items will be marked on a map, on the ground, and/or directed by the engineer. Typical maintenance items include but are not limited to: linear grading, filling potholes, pulling ditches, lead-out ditches, re-establishing drainage (rolling dips and grade dips), constructing new drainage (rolling dips), hauling and placing road base, hauling and placement of stockpiles barrier rocks, excavation for bog areas, furnishing and placement of geotextile materials. Barrier rocks will be government furnished items.


Date Completed: 2017-09-19
City: Fort Collins
State: co
Work Type/s:
PSC Code/s: --
Govt Type:
Award Amount: $26,917
Contracting Set Aside: