Job 22

Constructed a support cradle for a Battery Townsley 16-inch gun barrel. Battery Townsley Facts At A Glance; Battery Townsley was a Coast Artillery battery that mounted two 16-inch caliber guns, each capable of shooting a 2,100-pound armor-piercing projectile 25 miles out to sea. Built 1938-1940 as a response to threat of long-range battleship gunfire and air power. First fortification of its kind in the nation to be completed and fired.
Manned by up to 150 soldiers from Battery “E” of the 6th Coast Artillery Regiment. Active from 1940 to 1948. Currently being restored by park volunteers to tell story of San Francisco’s World War II Harbor Defenses.


Date Completed: 2012-08-13
City: Golde Gate NPS
State: ca
Work Type/s:
PSC Code/s: --
Govt Type:
Award Amount: $27,141
Contracting Set Aside: